Why Your I.T. Strategy is Ineffective

An I.T. strategy is more than just a plan for upgrading your technology. Yet, it lays out how your business will use I.T. for overall growth and development.

Think about it this way. Technology plays a role in every aspect of your business. From HR, Marketing, R&D, Operations, Strategy, Accounting, Customer Satisfaction/Interaction, and so on.

With all of the overlap, it’s important to have an effective I.T. strategy to see that success across the board. Without one, growth can be halted because needs are not met and visions are misaligned.

Alright, let’s dive into five reasons why your I.T. strategy may be ineffective.

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How An MSP Can Improve Your Business Security

“During 2019, small business cyber breaches grew more than 5 times when compared to the previous year, mainly because small business has fewer security practices going on and are an easy way to get more money and data.” – Agility SMB

If the above doesn’t make you question the security of your business, you either have a pretty tight handle on your data and your employees’ security awareness or you are still with the percentage of SMB owners who think they won’t be a target for cybercriminals. Hopefully, it’s not the latter.

With a company falling victim to a cyber-attack every 13 seconds, it’s imperative to have the right security measures in place, but how? This is where a partnership with a good MSP comes into play. Since the measures needed to protect your business can be an overwhelming job for just one or two in-house I.T. professionals, it’s not only smart but efficient and budget-friendly to take full advantage of what an MSP has to offer.

Let’s dive into how an MSP can help your SMB with business security.

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SecuritySquare Studio Dev
Solving Applied EPIC Issue: Instance Already Running

A problem we’ve seen recently with some of our insurance clients who use Applied EPIC is that they get an error message stating that another instance of this application is already running.


This may be because it is already running in the background. When you start up your computer, does EPIC automatically begin running? Before you try out the following solutions ensure that EPIC is not already open behind the windows you have open.

(Note: The following solutions should work with other applications, EPIC is just an example we’ve seen recently.)

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InsuranceSquare Studio Dev
The Benefits of Backup and Disaster Recovery

Backup and disaster recovery are like a superhero and sidekick; one saves your data from a disaster while the other helps to ensure a smooth return to normal operations. In this case, backup is the superhero, and disaster recovery acts as the sidekick. Both of these are necessary to protect and secure your data while allowing you to worry about one less thing on your busy plate.

And if you’re thinking a data disaster won’t happen to you, think again. No one is safe from a cyberattack, employee mistakes, fires, floods, or other natural disasters. Not to mention, 93% of companies without a disaster recovery solution who suffer a major data disaster are out of business within one year.

You’re not going to let that happen to you, are you?

Let’s take a more in-depth look at what each means and the benefits of using them.

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What is Managed I.T.?

Managed I.T. is the services outsourced to a third-party which include the management of technology and other key I.T. maintenance responsibilities. This is usually done by a managed service provider.

A managed service provider (MSP), is a company that remotely manages its clients I.T. infrastructure. From their servers, firewalls, routers, switches, end-user systems, and so forth. When an end-user is experiencing a problem or has a question about their technology, they can call into their MSP’s help desk for support. When the problem can’t be handled remotely, a field service technician can come on-site and resolve the issue.

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Complete I.T.Square Studio Dev
Phishing Attacks Uncovered

With a 600% uptick in phishing attempts last quarter, there’s no more running from them. Understanding why they happen, what to look out for, and how to protect yourself is more important now than just hoping it doesn’t happen to you.

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SecuritySquare Studio Dev
Solving VPN Connection Issues

Lately, more and more people have had to connect to a VPN as working from home has become more common in the past few months. Utilizing a VPN is great way to stay secure when working from home or just anywhere without a secure connection. However, like everything else revolving around technology, you will run into some issues once in a while.

Let’s take a look at some ways you can troubleshoot your VPN connection issues…that’s not just “restart the VPN.” Even though that is a good place to start with most problems.

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4 Docking Station Problems Solved

Laptop docking stations are very handy and great at increasing the functionality of your laptop. However, like any other tech device comes some common problems.

Fortunately, many issues that arise with your docking station can be fixed with some quick troubleshooting, so you can be back in action in no time.

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How to Safely Bring Your Hardware Back Into the Office

After a few months of working from home, heading back to the office is exciting! But before we just throw (hopefully, not literally) our laptops, monitors, keyboards, and mice into our car for the journey back to their home in the office, we should take the proper precautions to ensure a safe return.

Let’s take a look at a few items below for a safe digital and physical return. Also, don’t miss the What Didn’t Work When WFH and How You Can Fix It Cheatsheet at the end.

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5 Ways SMBs Handle Their I.T.

What exactly does I.T. mean to you? Not just what the I and T stand for, but what the term information technology means to your business. For some, it could mean taking care of common computer, printer, WiFi issues and for others it’s managing their entire network of devices, preventing and detecting vulnerabilities, backups, communication solutions, and developing proactive plans for scalability. Not to mention a combination of anything in between. Whatever the case may be for your business, it’s no question that I.T. should be a top priority and handled properly.

There are many ways companies handle their I.T. needs. Let’s take a look at five ways below.

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How SMBs Can Better Prepare for a Disaster

Within the last month, if you were thinking you weren’t prepared for anything like this before and were left scrambling to figure out a solution for your business to stay open, for employees to work remotely, and everything else you had on your mind…now you might be thinking, “How could we have responded better this time?”

Or, “How can we prepare better for next time?”

In reality, how was anyone to know something like COVID-19 was to happen? But that’s where having a disaster recovery plan comes into play.

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